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Genre: Crime/ Biography/Comedy

Rating: 3.5/5

There are two things I have always noticed about a Tom Cruise movie. I don't look forward enough to it, and two- they have yet always successfully entertained me. This one- strangely- also managed to make me smile.

The movie traces the true story of Barry Seal, a former airlines pilot who becomes an air courier flying drugs for the Medellin Cartel in the 1980s. After several successful smuggles and growing business, he is finally arrested by the FBI, DEA and other law enforcement agencies, who all want a piece of Barry Seal. Barry, however, manages to escape jail time for an exchange of information.

A story that usually would have had a serious and darker adaptation, I was glad that American Made opted for a lighter stance. The script was witty, woven with clever humor and the draw to the main character was brilliantly played out as it successfully had me debating on why I wanted to see Barry Seal escape conviction despite his criminal activities.

But Tom Cruise did play Barry Seal with such charm that I did want to forgive the character for every wrongdoing by the end of the movie. If you're aware of the Barry Seal story, you will know the movie will not end with an HEA. However, it certainly doesn't leave you saddened and sorrowful over Seal's demise either. The script stays true to its light-hearted style, leaving you with a smile when you'd least expect it.

P.S I don't condone drug smugglers or other criminals in real life. No matter how hot and charming they are!

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